Please call for availability; our seats fill up fast!
Spot reservation requires a down-payment of half the cost for class. The second half is not due until the first scheduled class.
To expedite your enrollment process, apply in person! Otherwise, feel free to print off an application and fill it out.*
Our program cost is $500.00. The course duration is 5 weeks. Classes are Monday thru Thursday 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm during the calendar school year, then 10:00 am to 12:00 noon during summer, winter break & spring break. Student drives are Monday thru Friday in the afternoon. This includes 15 classes, 6 1/hr behind the wheel drives and includes the 1st attempt at the state written exam once the student has completed the course.
Jim and Lora are retired EMT/firefighters, both of them worked on a Fire Dept and Ambulance, so they have experienced the worst of auto collisions. They have a different approach to teaching their students. Lack of knowledge/experience, risky driving behaviors of young drivers, and lack of attention to everything around them while driving, for them, was the worst scenes to work; the most heartbreaking. They finally decided to take the step & move from trying to save these kiddos on the side of the road after the collision, to teach them how to be safe on the road before a collision happens. Jim and Lora are very strict with these students, only because we all want them to stay alive, especially you, the parent.
Some of the schools give the students a packet & tell them to complete it, while they are either out of the room, or busy doing something else. Some schools offer Zoom classes & enroll too many students to make more money. Here's how it usually plays out:
- Your student doesn’t get 1-on-1 interaction with the Instructor
- Your teen student drives are not done in a timely manner (6 + months)
- Their program takes much longer to complete.
Besides, we all know how effective Zoom classes are from your experiences during the pandemic.
Our Instuctors teach "old school" style, teaching the students while we are standing in the front of the classroom, assisted with a powerpoint presentation, class interaction & discussions and of course stories about what we have seen.
It is just Jim & Lora that do all the teaching & driving with the students, they become comfortable & know exactly what our expectations are.
This is a team effort between our Instructors, Parent & Student to do everything we can to keep them safe on the roads.
Thank you for considering being a part of our family.
Lora – Instructor, Examiner
Jim – Instructor
Jay – Chaos Coordinator
* If needed, you may scan the enrollment form and email it to us, once filled out. We will then email an invoice to you, which you can pay online. Once we receive payment, we will reserve the seat if it is still available.